New R.R. Depot - July 20, 1905
New R.R. Depot
Burned Building Replaced by One Better Arranged and More Comfortable
The new railroad depot on the site of the one lately destroyed by fire is nearing completion and will be ready for occupation very soon. The express and baggage departments have already moved in and the tent which was used after the fire has been taken down. The office arrangement of the new building is much better and more commodious than was that of the old.
In the upstairs are four elegant living rooms, wardrobes, pantry and other conveniences which will be occupied as the home of the Agent G.C. Mellott and family
Beneath the building as well has been sunk from which, by forces pumps, water can be had in all parts of the building. A cellar with concrete floor and walls will contain furnace by which the entire building will be heated.
The saving in space in the new building as compared with the old was made by reducing the size of the waiting room which was formerly much larger than occasion ever required.
THE DAILY EVENING STAR (Whitehorse Star) Thursday, July 20, 1905